Some jobs require a linearized white gradation, that is not created by the default process in GMG OpenColor. You can, however, create one as part of a spot color database.
In a nutshell, it involves the following steps:
- Open an existing spot color database (.db3) in the GMG SpotColorEdito and Create a new spot color "White"
- Create a new spot color gradation and link it to the spot color white
- In Colorproof, map the color "white" to the color "white" from the db3/Spot color set either manually or using a channel replacement rule.
- Print the job
As each step contains several processes, here is the detailed procedure:
Prerequisites: Set the White Ink level in GMG OpenColor to 100% as shown in the screenshot:
Create a white spot color in the GMG SpotColorEditor.
- Create a white spot color
- Using the button "Settings", set white to 100%
- Save the db3
- Use this db3 to create a spot color set in ColorProof for the SC-S80600 and the respective media.
Create white linearization
- Print the testchart:
- Print C:\Users\Public\GMG\ColorProof\Testcharts\Linearization_Testcharts\GMG_TC_Linearization_White_random_i1_i1iO_Spectro_V2.tif
using a linear mx4 file (C:\Users\Public\GMG\ColorProof\Profiles_linear\linear.mx4)- - In the Job properties, go to Image > Colormanagement > Channels and set the channel "Specialink" to the white you just created.
- Print C:\Users\Public\GMG\ColorProof\Testcharts\Linearization_Testcharts\GMG_TC_Linearization_White_random_i1_i1iO_Spectro_V2.tif
- Measure using GMG ProfileEditor
- Place the test chart on a black background.
- Create a new MX3 file
- Go to Tab "Common" and check the checkbox "Linearization of special inks
- Select the measurement device you want to use from the drop down menu
- Select the test chart you printed
- Go to tab ""special Inks" and then Menu "measure" > "Measure and create linearization"
- Select the measurement template matching the chart and measurement device you printed from C:\Users\Public\GMG\ColorProof\Templates\Linearization_Testcharts\
e.g. GMG_TC_Linearization_White_random_i1_i1iO_Spectro_V2.tpl - click "measure" and measure the test chart.
- The lower edge of the test chart contains a gradation. Check this part for a smooth gradation. If you do not see an increase in density, you enter this value as "Ink limit" E.g. If you do not see any change between 70 and 100%, set the ink limit to 75 or 80%
- Click "Create". You have now created a gradation.
- Copy the values from 0 to 100 by marking them and then right-click >Copy"
Create white gradation in SpotcolorEditor
- Open the GMG SpotColorEditor and create a new gradation (Menu "File“ > new gradation)
- Use Edit > Add fulcrums to add fulcrums until they match the fulcrums of your gradation from ProfileEditor.
- Paste the results of your linearization into the gradation.
- Save the gradation.
- Go back to the spot color database containing the White color and select the newly created gradation file as "Gradation".
Use white gradation in GMG ColorProof
In ColorProof you can now set the jobs to use white "from db3" instead of using the OpenColor project as source. This can be automated by using channel mapping rule sets as shown below.
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