The ILS20 measures natively in GMDI, and so the secondary text file that is created with the “01” at the end is the calculated XRGA data, and it contains the XRGA tag.
The ILS30 measures natively in XRGA, so the secondary text file with the “01” at the end is now the calculated GMDI legacy data, and it contains the GMDI tag.
The first text file that measures on the ILS30 which has no tag in the header is the XRGA.
See attached ILS30 vs ILS20 files to view headers.
GMG_OG-PreLin_Epson-ILS30.txt = XRGA
GMG_OG-PreLin_Epson-ILS30_01.txt = GMDI
IDEAlliance2007_Epson-emb-MD_k0.txt = GMDI
IDEAlliance2007_Epson-emb-MD_k0_01.txt = XRGA
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