In order to get the best color for the Imposition proofer option in GMG follow the instructions below
- In C:\Users\Public\GMG\ColorProof\Profiles_ICC folder rename Default CMYK.icm to REAL Default CMYK.icm or any name so you know this was the original Default ICC for Colorproof
- Duplicate and rename any ICC you want as input/simulation color space
NOTE - SEE BELOW FOR MORE INSTRUCTIONS FOR THIS STEP TO GET GOOD COLOR - On Output Tab select the Imposition proofer and open Configure Printer
- Set Printer ICC to "Custom" and select "AdobeRGB 1998.icm"
- Click Save and Close.
5. Select EDIT on the PROPERTIES button - Use the below settings
6. Once changes are made close the Epson Utility and Save and Close the Printer properties.
1. Shut down GMG Colorproof Rip.
2. Take the 33kb small "Default CMYK" Profile and rename "REAL Default CMYK"
3. Replace with the "Default CMYK" profile that is made from "ISOcoated_v2_eci" that is attached to this FAQ article.
4. It was edited in ColorSync on a Mac to have same internal name settings as small "Default CMYK"
This is needed setp - the internal name must match small profile internal name or will be ignored.
If not done GMG Colorproof when launched re-installs the small profile - and the color will be wrong. You'll know it's wrong if you see two "Default CMYK" profiles in the folder in the "../Profile_ICC" directory.
5. Place the "Default CMYK" profile in following location: C:\Users\Public\GMG\ColorProof\Profiles_ICC
6. Start GMG - now run a job to make sure you're getting good color.
Page size with HP driver
There's a setting in the driver that says remove blank areas. If it's a 36" roll, setup a custom size of 36x36. Then turn on Remove blank areas. Although the preview in CP displays the blank space, the printer crops it correctly....
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