OpenColor is extremely versatile. There are a number of ways to get the same color at multiple locations. Here we discuss a few options.
Export MXN
If the conditions are locked, meaning substrate, inks, ink order, dotgain, etc then you can calculate an mxn and then send the mxn to them. The trick is to make sure that they use that mxn with the correct proofer, media and print mode that you created it for. This method is good if the proofers aren't using the same exact printer model (i.e.: Surecolor with Violet instead of LLK). Just be sure to choose the correct proofer prior to calculating the profile.
Export OpenColor Project
If you expect the conditions may change then exporting the OpenColor project is a better option. This way if they will be adding or swapping out inks or changing the ink order the profile will be correct. This method is good if the proofers aren't using the same exact printer model (i.e.: Surecolor with Violet instead of LLK).
Export GMG Job
If you both have the same Printer type (i.e.: Surecolor with Violet) and use the same media then you don't even need to share the profile. You could "remote proof" by exporting the proof job from your GMG System and then this job would be automatically proofed at the remote site according to your profile. Before it proofs remotely we make sure its the right printer, the right media is loaded, and its calibrated. Once proofed, it's verified and an e-mail can be sent to the involved parties. This method requires the same exact printer model at both locations.
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