Creating an overview of all your license systems in GMG Manage helps you manage licenses efficiently across sites. Here's how to add your systems to GMG Manage to get started.
- You must be registered in GMG Manage and logged in.
- GMG Application Service version or higher is required.
Why add license systems manually?
Adding systems manually ensures you have full control over which systems are paired with GMG Manage, maintaining flexibility in how your organization is structured. If you have multiple systems and need help adding them, feel free to contact our Support Team for assistance.
How to add your license systems to 'GMG Manage'
Please note that you need to be registered in Manage and logged in to add license systems.
1. Open the Application Service (select 'Update License' in the respective GMG application).
2. In the license window, go to the Options menu and select 'GMG Manage'.
This will open your default browser and navigate you into Manage or the Login page to Manage.
The first time you use this link, the license system will be added to your organization account and displayed in the 'Systems' overview."
3. To better identiy your systems, you can optionally use the 'Location' field to add either the location or primary usage of the system (e.g. "Berlin" or "Server 1Q Proofing"). This information is only used as additional identifier in the shown table.
If the system is no longer relevant, you can also delete it from this view.
Further information:
Where can I look up the AppService version number?
How do I install the latest AppService version?
Adding a license system to GMG Manage:
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