In order for the verification to be printed out automatically, the setting for automated label printing must be activated in GMG ColorProof. Your printer's internal measuring device must be selected in the job and workflow properties.
How to activate the setting for the automated label print in GMG ColorProof:
- Launch GMG ColorProof.
- Choose System > ProofControl Inline >Under Proofer Supporting Direct Label Printing > Print Label Automatically on Proofer > Choose 'Always'
How to check and change the measuring device for existing jobs:
- Double click to open the job
- From the settings menu on the left, choose Label / Strips / Marks > Under Image Control Strips > Measuring Device: you can see the measuring device selected for the job and can change it if required.
The Control Strip Type automatically updates correctly when a measuring device is selected.
How to check and change the measuring device for existing workflows:
- Double-click to open the workflow
- From the settings menu on the left, choose the button Image Label Control Strips
- You can now see the measuring device selected for the workflow and change it if required.
- You can define a second control strip if required
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